At Star of the Sea we ensure children can access a range of programs and activities to promote good health and well-being.
Our Sport and Physical Education programs support the goals of the Health and Physical Education Key Learning Area. Specifically, we offer students the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, processes and attitudes to make informed decisions about:
the promotion of health of individuals and communities;
the development of concepts and skills for physical activity;
and the enhancement of personal development.
The school utilises the skills of outside sporting agencies to offer something extra to all students. Through Sporting Schools Funding, we can provide various sports each term for the children to try. The following are Sports who have all worked with us closely and are offered at times externally through SOTS.

- Soccer
- Tennis
- Touch Football
- Basketball
All students participate in swimming lessons in Term 4 over an intensive week- long program at a local pool. This is included in the School Fees