The church at Broadbeach, 'Stella Maris' is Latin for Star of the Sea which is how the name for our school came about in the early planning stages. Fr Peter (Parish Priest at the time) put forward the name to Archbishop Mark Coleridge who approved for our school to be called Star of the Sea. It is a beautiful church and we take our students there for our Opening School Mass at the beginning of the year and our Feast Day for the students, staff and families to know 'Our Story', providing a unique awareness of our membership within the Surfers Paradise Parish. 
Students engage in a variety of prayer celebrations throughout their time at Star of the Sea School:
Daily prayer occurs in each classroom. This includes such things as beginning and end of the day prayers, saying Grace before meals or engaging in a few minutes of Christian Meditation. Sacred spaces are created in each classroom and in the staff room. A cross or a crucifix is situated in each room and as we grow, we are displaying sacred images and artworks throughout the school.
Fortnightly school assemblies include a prayer lead by different year levels, as well as set prayers and songs. Often senior students will talk about social justice activities occurring in the school community. Assemblies are also opportunities to share highlights from classroom religion activities.
Whole school masses or liturgies occur a number of times throughout the year and mark major events in our church and school liturgical calendar. These include: the opening and closing of the year liturgies; Ash Wednesday and Easter Liturgies; our Star of the Sea Feast Day Mass; and Catholic Education Week liturgy. As a school, we also mark important events such as ANZAC Day, NADOC Week and Remembrance Day. The students take active leadership roles in these celebrations, acting as readers, altar servers, gift bearers and singers.
In addition to these whole school events, many other class prayer celebrations are held throughout the year, e.g. Mother’s and Father’s Day liturgies. Combined parish celebrations are held each term where we join with St Kevin's and St Vincent's, celebrating alongside parishioners, parents and friends. Students from Year 3 onwards who are baptised, are also invited to be involved in the Sacramental Program which is run through the parish and supported by the school.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Star of the Sea School (2024)