Fees and levies

Explanation of fees and levies

Star of the Sea School aims to provide a quality education to all students and in order for this to be achieved, fees and levies need to be charged. Fees and Levies collected at Star of the Sea School are used for the following purposes:

​Capital LevyTo cover repayments on buildings and maintenance​ ​
​Parents and Community Levy​​To support the work of parents and the community within the school​ ​
Resources and IT Levy​This levy covers costs inclusive of:
  • Excursions and incursions (except camps)
  • Provision of access to electronic devices
  • Classroom resources
  • External providers for PE, dance etc delivering internal services
  • Library consumables​


Fees and levies

A copy of our current School Fees and Levies can be found HERE

​Application Fee and Confirmation of enrolment deposit

A non-refundable Application Fee of $50.00 per family is payable upon the submission of an Application for Enrolment.

Pay $50 application fee​

On the Acceptance of Enrolment Offer, a Confirmation of Enrolment deposit of $150 is payable. This deposit is refundable only as a credit to the first Statement of Fees and Levies.​

Pay $150 accept​ance enrolment fee​


Leaving early refund policy

Should a student leave the school during a school term, written notification must be forwarded to the principal. Student textbooks, library books and laptops and all accessories are to be returned to the school.

At the principal's discretion, an adjustment to the Statement of Fees and Levies may be applied based on the number of weeks the student attended the school during the term. If any fees remain outstanding, they will be ​payable as per the normal payment terms and where appropriate, any fees in credit will be refunded.​


Fee policy

Please check HERE for a link to our School Fee Policy.


The cardholder statement and receipt issued by BPOINT as confirmation of payment will display the name Star of the Sea School​.
